Get your wrestler registered today!

From $250.00

Practices will be Tuesday-Thursday. Dates: January 2-February 27 Grade School: Tues/Thurs 530-7pm  High School: Tues/Thurs 7-830pm Elite: Wednesday 6-730pm

From $225.00

Dates: March 4-April 29  Grade School: Tues/Thurs 530-7pm  High School: Tues/Thurs 7-830pm Bundle Competition Season 3 and Freestyle/Greco Spring Season for $450. (Gold Membership) Practices will be Tuesday/Thursday for Folkstyle and starting in April Monday/Wednesday will be Freestyle/Greco.


This is a one day per week club session for wrestlers who have 0-3 years of experience.  (BEGINNERS) We recommend wrestlers between the ages of 5-12 years old for this session. This club session will focus on CP Club basics...


This session will be a Girls Only training program that will run one day per week. The session will be ran on Monday's from 7-830pm. Our focus will be chain wrestling the basic techniques together and building solid training habits....